Oct 21, 2010

Pago's Children's Book

Here is my children's book "PAGO, the Pancake Gorilla". I'm still looking for the publisher! Anyone? Anywhere?
I'll be showing the Pago's book and Pinguin book with some new color illustrations @ DK Shirogane's booth at Design Festa next month. He is the figure making professional and made Pago and Pinguins. I will be selling the new postcards of Pago and Pinguins. If you have a chance, please come!

@Tokyo Big Sight West
Nov. 6th (Sat) and 7th (Sun), 2010   11AM - 7PM
Booth F-176 "DK Shirogane"
Lawson ticket  L-code: 39489 

ぱごちゃんとぴんぎんのフィギュアを作ってくれたDKしろがねさんのブースにて紙芝居をすることになりました〜。ただいまぴんぎん絵本のカラーの絵を増やしております〜。フィギュアとポストカード販売をします〜。 ぜひお友達をさそってみにきてください〜(^__^)/


Thanks soooooo much for coming to the exhibition!! I'm so glad to see you all and spent great time.
I put some photos of you here, but if you have problem showing your face online, please let me know! It should be small enough, no one could recognize that is you, I think ;p If you want the bigger size images, let me know!

”fumikoala展”に来て下さったみなまさ、NALUcafeのスタッフの方々、本当にどうもありがとうございました! たくさんの方に見て頂き、うれしいメッセージもたくさん頂き幸せなひとときでした! 写真載せちゃいましたが〜顔が分からないくらい小さくしたのですが、もしお困りでしたらご連絡ください〜!写真が欲しい方もメールくださいね〜。