My sister asked me to make the birthday cards for her friends, so I made this Pago (Pancake Gorilla), my new character's card. He is the owner chef at the Pago's Bakery, and the polar bear is his assistant. He goes to deliver the huge birthday cupcake!! The name of the birthday girl would be on the bottom ribbon.
For some reason, I love them sooooo much because they are sooooooo cute and make me happy!!! but I cannot find them in Japan....
The left one is the front of the card, and the right one is the inside. I drew the illustrations with the pen on paper and added the colors on Photoshop.
I've been making hundreds of greeting cards at the design studio in NY, but because I don't hold the copyrights, I'm not allowed to put them on the blog.... so I'm glad that I'm finally able to post this here!
The next 4 characters are from my clay artworks @ Design Festa. The last ilustration is the shy big grape and the small one. I painted with acrylics about 2 years ago, and I recently adjusted the colors and added some patterns on Photoshop.

下の4つのキャラはこの前のデザフェス用につくった粘土作品の子たちです。 下のは引きこもりぶどうくんと小さなぶどうくんの絵です。2年くらい前にアクリルで描いて、最近ちょっとフォトショップで手直してみました。